Saving Seeds of Edible Sprouts

This might be a bit of a novice question, but I  find I go through quite a lot of sprout seeds which I have being buying for about $4 a packet. If I wanted to save my own alpha seeds, does anyone know how much time/space it would take till the plant went to seed?

Thanks in advance, Charlotte

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  • Not so much for alfalfa as I don't know if it is avaialble in the bin inn or similar places, but for say moong beans to sprout, don't buy them as sprouting seeds in little packets, buy them for $4 a kilo loose and use those, the germination rate is about 95%.
  • There would be a bit work growing your own Alfalfa seed,but it wouldn't take long to pick $4 worth i'm sure as they do grow into big plants


  • I have tried to grow some alfalfa, it takes a while to establish and flower, and for little return!, the seeds are so small and hard to harvest by hand. ( I buy alfalfa and red clover for sprouting from terrace farm) there are other plants you can grow which you can use as sprouts which will be more generous, eg. brassicas like kale, brocolli, radish, also sunflowers, peas, etc etc. ...I am trying chia this year too. 

  • By "alpha" do you mean alfalfa, or lucerne?

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