Hi everyone, I asked James Samual if he would comment self sufficiency vs community sufficiency to spark some discussions. Here's his reply:
At 10:54am on November 20, 2010, James Samuel said…
These are the sorts of things that back up my understanding that the idea of self-sufficiency is outmoded (a throw back to the '60's) and that acknowledging our inter-dependence and the need to support one another within the context of largely autonomous, but inter-linked communities is the path forward, now that we have explored the drastic results of the manufactured and ultimately impossible ideas of excessive independence.
Bring on community self sufficiency! Would be a great leap into a better world when this is accomplished. But first things first...fight the food bill! You cant spread the word to start something new throughout a community if its illegal (or about to be). Cant imagine we could convince a community to grow "pot" not nessesarily because they dont want to, but because it is be illegal to.
So Peter what do we do? protest? email? petition? Gather all of oooobys members (and more) to rally together to fight the constitution that says we can choose to be governed by crown law?
Here is one way to be heard. This just came in and was obviously sent to all ooooby members:
Dear Ooooby people
I'm writing an article for Taste magazine on community fruit/vege/herb swaps. I was wondering if anyone here organises or participates in one, and would be willing to be briefly interviewed about it - via email - sometime in the next 3 or 4 days?
To be more specific, I'm after get-togethers for home gardeners that run regularly or semi-regularly - where excess produce is swapped, or gifted, or paid for on an informal, NON-taxed basis.
(We have a small monthly one at the Featherston community centre near where I live, and I have also been told about one (that sounds larger) on Waiheke Island.)
Hey Peter, there is a very good letter from the minister on this, published in the latest Organic NZ magazine. Basically she is saying she has asked her dept to draft amendments to ensure the bartering of food and seeds etc is not part of the bill. Your local library probably has a copy you could read. I was quite surprised and impressed by her letter. LP
I just saw your post here after I created a new one about a similar topic. My concern is that the current system our government supports and also the new system (see Food Bill 2010) will not allow us to form self-sufficient communities. The regulations about sharing food are far to strict and expensive to implement. Of course there is always the way to ignore the regulations and just do what you want to do. And many here do it exactly this way. To be honest, to me that's the wrong approach. If a community is from the start already based the need to workaround the law and often even break it then something is wrong.
Bring on community self sufficiency! Would be a great leap into a better world when this is accomplished. But first things first...fight the food bill! You cant spread the word to start something new throughout a community if its illegal (or about to be). Cant imagine we could convince a community to grow "pot" not nessesarily because they dont want to, but because it is be illegal to.
So Peter what do we do? protest? email? petition? Gather all of oooobys members (and more) to rally together to fight the constitution that says we can choose to be governed by crown law?
Here is one way to be heard. This just came in and was obviously sent to all ooooby members:
Dear Ooooby people
I'm writing an article for Taste magazine on community fruit/vege/herb swaps. I was wondering if anyone here organises or participates in one, and would be willing to be briefly interviewed about it - via email - sometime in the next 3 or 4 days?
To be more specific, I'm after get-togethers for home gardeners that run regularly or semi-regularly - where excess produce is swapped, or gifted, or paid for on an informal, NON-taxed basis.
(We have a small monthly one at the Featherston community centre near where I live, and I have also been told about one (that sounds larger) on Waiheke Island.)
I would love to talk to any of you who can help!
Best wishes
Johanna Knox
So all you community people, send Johanna an email. And have your say!
as I said here https://ooooby.ning.com/group/selfsufficiencythedream/forum/topics/c... I can't really share the excitement about this letter.
I just saw your post here after I created a new one about a similar topic. My concern is that the current system our government supports and also the new system (see Food Bill 2010) will not allow us to form self-sufficient communities. The regulations about sharing food are far to strict and expensive to implement. Of course there is always the way to ignore the regulations and just do what you want to do. And many here do it exactly this way. To be honest, to me that's the wrong approach. If a community is from the start already based the need to workaround the law and often even break it then something is wrong.