Manawatu Seed Swap

Would you like to share and swap seeds, for your favourites or for varieties you've found that grow well in our windy, rainy, often chilly Manawatu area?


If so suggest please through your replies here suggest a time and place that works for you, and we can organize an Event locally to meet and swap.  Ta.

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  • I'd be interested in a seed exchange. I haven't got many seeds, but I will have some Pink Fir Apple potatoes in a few weeks. If you have any room to grow spuds at all, I'd recommend these. I'd love to get together with others and ask questions, share information etc, with live people. Electronic communication has its advantages, but nothing beats face to face sharing.

  • I am an beginer seed saver. I have a disorganised cupboard of seeds. I would welcome a Seed Savers coffee morning as such to swap and learn.
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