Whats growing in your garden?

Hi Team, Just thought I'd get the discussion rolling I've been harvesting.. Leeks, Parsnip, carrot, beetroot, celery, bok choi, lettuce (green house) the first broccolli is nearly ready to pick and spinach isn't too far away either :-) I've planted more brassicas seedlings (cabbage, cauli, broccolli and kale) and seeds of beetroot, and spinach. Will probably put in some early carrots soon. The Tamarillos and mandarins are ready but the oranges have been a bit knocked by the cold this winter. :-( Whats up at your place??

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  • Hi Helen
    I'm currently harvesting Leeks as I need them, and the odd brassica is heading up. Also have lettuce but they are starting to taste quite bitter - a bit old maybe.
    I've sowen carrots, parsnips, onions and beetroot in the last week ( hope I'm not jumping the gun a bit ). I'm preparing so sowing spuds as soon as they sprout a bit.
    Looking forward to Spring !!
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