music and gardening?

When im gardening I like to listen to most music and hum ma long and talk to myplants as they grow encouraginging them to do their best...and I also thank them for the joy and the bounty they gie me when its time to harvest them...the only music i dont listento is rap, heavy metal and it silk...i have harvested potatoes to tchaikosky's 1812 i have planted butter beans to the sound of naute music ..ihave watered tomatoes to the sound of of ambient music...i listen to allsorts and sing to my plants ...what do you listen to and do you think that it helps yoru palnts to grow?

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  • Ive just found your discussion and I must say its rather sad to see there are no replies! So I feel I should!
    Theres nothing I like better than on a beautiful day throwing open all the doors and windows and turning the stereo up full blast so I can hear it when Im working - thank goodness we dont have neighbours too close by! I like to listen to all sorts of music, my taste varies, but I do like some quite heavy rock - The White Stripes are one of my favourite, and also a bit of punk, digging over the garden to Greenday moves things along rather quickly! I also like big sounding stuff like Muse. Im not quite sure what the veges think of my taste in music, but they do seem to grow ok!
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