Growing and do things the old way.Do you grow your own vege, make soap, use herbs, cut your own firewood, long for the pioneer days where it literally came from your own back yard. If you do then this is the group for you.
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  • When i was a kid we just used a can with wire through the top, holes punched in the bottom with a nail. Put sunlight soap ends in
  • Hi everyone,i have just found some new soapshakers,look up'the selfsuffiency store nz;they are getting someone to make them for them,$42,not cheap but they do last forever,cheers Fi
  • Hi Kelly...I usually do a warm wash. But would be very happy to find a recipe that would be effective in a cold wash, yes.
  • Hi Lynn, does your recipe work in a cold wash? The other recipes I've tried clump and stick to the clothes unless you use a hot wash  :-(
  • we used them in early eighties during high school home economics lessons - brings back memories - loved them, got a great froth. Would a tea cage do same I wonder? (built similar, have fine mesh cage and handle)
  • I make my own laundry powder, Fi. Grate 1 bar sunlight soap, 2 cups washing soda, 1 cup borax (optional) and 1 cup baking soda. Mix all together  in a plastic bucket for the purpose (you don't want borax around food areas) and use 1/4 cup per wash.
  • Just in case folks out there are unsure what we are talking about re soap shakers,they where around in most kitchens before about 30 years ago,small metal or plastic cage with handle,mainly a small block of sunlight soap was used(lasted for ages) used instead of dishwashing liqued.The other cost saving trick our Grannie did was to grate sunlight soap instead of washing machine powder,works fine,cheers Fi

  • Hi Fi...I have been hunting high and low, second hand shops, antique shops, garage sales, junk places...and haven't been able to find one. Maybe some enterprising person will make several dozen and sell them on here?
  • Hi all,does anyone no where to buy soap shakers,thanks
  • Have just picked up my ordered book from the library about Earth Ovens. Looks fantastic, and now that it looks like rain and I'm done what I'm doing in the garden today, I shall light the fire and cosy up with the book!
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Trouble rolling/flaking oats

Hello everyone, I was excited to try out my new Family Flaker Mill on some hulled oats but it isn't working properly. The roller will flake wheat and rye with no trouble so there is nothing wrong with the equipment. The oats just seem too light and floaty and won't fall down onto the roller. When I manage to knock a few down they flake just fine... anyone using a roller/flaker for oats? Having success? Look forward to hearing from someone! Katie

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is anyone making their own soap. I have given a few types a go. Pure Castile soap, still waiting for it to reach Ph 7 it's been 10 weeks now, have been using litmus paper for testing. liquid soap turned out really well. Basic hot process soap made 3 weeks ago waiting for it to reach Ph7 and last week made a shampoo bar using a hot process after 6 hours of cooking still sitting on PH 7. Does anyone have any idea why I can't get below PH9?

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