Can anyone recommend a water filter that removes fluoride from tap water? 'Aqua Filter Products' states they can but does not say for how much. I found their flyer at the Titirangi Pharmacy.
I'm leaning towards the Nikken PiMag Gravity Filter, as it will remove the nasties (not flouride) and still give you 'living water' to nourish you.!environmental/PiMag-Water-Technology/
any suggestions most welcome!
We used Seychelle's benchtop unit when our water was concentrated with chlorine after the quakes, and we still carry the sport bottles with us to this day - as we don't really know what the water quality is in various parts of the town, and now we don't have to worry about it. Also when the water goes out after large aftershocks, we can drink from our rainwater tank without worry.
thought you might be interested in this article
it is from the US but graphic.An important thing to be aware of with water filters is the need to regularly and often change the filter, they breed nasties if you don't.