Water is vital to life. We are made of mostly water and depend on clean water to survive.
This is a forum to talk about any water issues; harvesting rainwater, water filters, tap water, gray water, and preservation of our waters.
Water is vital to life. We are made of mostly water and depend on clean water to survive.
This is a forum to talk about any water issues; harvesting rainwater, water filters, tap water, gray water, and preservation of our waters.
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Does anyone here have any experience building swales on steep hills? We want to plant a home fruit and nut orchard and make it water self-reliant and would like to talk to anyone else who may have already built a system of water collection. We are considering collecting rain water by building paths with a guttering system that lead to underground mini-storage wells on the upperside of swales holding trees in mulch pits. Has anyone done this? Especially on a hill? (We live in Lyttelton).
Read more…Here is a short list of conscious conservationists caring for our water. Feel free to add more: Wai Care https://www.waicare.org.nz/About-Wai-care/aboutwaicare.aspx The Friends of Oakley Creek The Land and Water Forum (I'm not quite sure what they do) http://www.landandwater.org.nz/ Project Twin Streams http://www.projecttwinstreams.com/
Read more…Can anyone recommend a water filter that removes fluoride from tap water? 'Aqua Filter Products' states they can but does not say for how much. I found their flyer at the Titirangi Pharmacy. I'm leaning towards the Nikken PiMag Gravity Filter, as it will remove the nasties (not flouride) and still give you 'living water' to nourish you. http://www.nikken.com/shop/!environmental/PiMag-Water-Technology/ any suggestions most welcome!
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Dancers, researchers, poets, painters, scientists, writers and carvers gather to present artworks and performances that explore our symbiotic relationship with the River.
The River Talks link here
A quick update on the latest news about Offshore Drilling in New Zealand.
US oil giant Anadarko says it has not found enough oil in the Taranaki Basin to be commercially viable and will now plug the well. However the company still intends to drill in other parts of the country.
This is great news for the Taranaki Basin, and bad news for Anadarko.
Read more: http://www.3news.co.nz/Anadarko-drilling-finds-no-oil/tabid/1160/ar...
From:Fluoride Action Network NZ. www.fannz.org.nz
The Auckland group has now branched out across the city with people taking up lead positions throughout the region. It is great to see people taking on this huge area. They now have a total of 70 members with a regular monthly meeting where a various number of them attend. All the leaders have specific actions to take and are really keen to stop this deliberate poisoning of their water supply. SeeAuckland Group to get involved.
The Dunedin group is also gaining momentum with a regular meeting scheduled and people taking on set tasks. From their newsletter "The next big issue after next week’s submissions hearings will be the local body elections in November. The group has decided that we want
to make Fluoride a crucial election issue. We will set up a ‘List of Progressive Councillors,’ which will help identify who in the council is for, against, or undecided in regards to Fluoride and we want to spread the word via flyers, advertisements in papers, facebook, email lists, stalls etc" Please contactfluoridefree.dnd@gmail.com if you would like to get involved.
in case that Auckland group link dosnt work: http://www.meetup.com/Fluoride-free-NZ-Auckland-group/
Koha Healing Sound workshop This Saturday 10 am in Grey Lynn.
More details here: http://provennaturalremedies.info/sw.html
Cheers Tom 021 251 3058
We heard and then thought that giardia and cryptopiridium did not survive in a closed, dark water storage tank. Have been drinking unfiltered water from the stream for 30 years. There aren't any farmers above us though and although there are lots of birds that would carry giardia, etc. Does any one know if what we heard is correct, maybe we have just been lucky?
We recently had the issue of drinkable water thrust forward for attention in our area. We have had, until November last year, bore water supplied to our small town that didn't need any additives. It was the envy of the district. The community fought and won the battle to keep flouride out of it a few years ago, but with a big flood came e-coli contamination that the council claimed made four people sick with campylobacter and flouted the new drinking water standards so they commenced emergency chlorination of our supply. The water became smelly , fumy and undrinkable, mainly we think because they didn't do a proper flush initially to clear the pipes of contamination and chlorination by-products before letting us have it. A short time later the council came to the community with a poll to choose a long term solution so that our supply would conform to the new drinking water standards. they newly require filtration to eliminate the possibility of giardia and cryptospiridium contamination. Apparently every water supply in the country has to have this upgrade and councils all over are taking on debt for their communities in order to meet these new regulations, at the same time that central government is deploring the debt levels of councils! In our case an estimated $600,000 cost will balloon to a $3,000,000 debt to the bank over 30 years. The thing is we believe the contamination comes from the dairy industry hereabouts, and the govt claims that 'the polluter must pay' but of course the federated farmers duck and dive and say it can't be proven that they are to blame. Thankfully after 7 months the water was clear of e-coli for long enough that they ceased chlorinating the water, until next time that is. Our community chose to keep its own supply rather than amalgamate with Greymouth which is continuously chorinated, then the council tried to overturn the poll and we had to have our own public meetings to tell the council in no uncertain terms that we want our independant supply that will not need chlorination once the filter is upgraded. People are wary that once all this is done the water will be privatised, as it is increasingly around the world, with the debt being the excuse. I will never take our water for granted again.
A picture that gives you a perfect idea of how much water there is on Earth compared to the solid materials that form its main body.![2170545362?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024](https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/2170545362?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024)
Link to Source
Well spoken piece about our connection to Earth and about the water on it that supports us.
Great article on why not to buy bottled water, and great responses on both sides of the topic!