Sourdough Buckwheat Crepes

Hi Everyone, I found a fantastic recipe for Sourdough Buckwheat Crepes on the following site:

It is very delicious and so easy to make. I use 3 cups buckwheat. I also found that 5 teaspoons of sea salt is plenty. You can ferment the mix for longer than 12 hours without a problem.

I use my homemade raw milk whey as the fermentation starter.

These are very easy to cook and work well with grated zucchini, corn and chilli added, you can also add a beaten egg for extra protein. They are also delicious cooked plain then eaten with  hummus or avocardo dip. They cook well with a teaspoon of ghee or coconut oil melted in the frypan beforehand.

Hope you give these a go and enjoy them. Cheers. Meredith.

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  • thanks for that recipe, have made buckwheat crepes in the past, but not fermented first so will give it a go.

    I got  1kg of buckwheat  seed from terracefarm recently to grow as a green crop, can't wait for it to flower in the two patches I have sown so far. .

    a friend told me she uses the young plants at two/three leaf stage as a microgreen, they are delicious.

    • Hey Kali yes,buckwheat as micro greens is delicious. 1 kg of seeds is good for about 40 sqm. How do you plan to husk it? Do you have an idea?



  • Thanks for sharing. Took me a while to find the recipe.Here is the direct link:

    I grow buckwheat for the first timemyself. Just 10 sqm. I tell you when it was in flower it was covered with bees. The whole 10 sqm were buzzing. It is so easy to grow. But I think my challenge will be to harvest and husk it. Buckwheat is also a brilliant green manure.



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