



Vancouver, WA


August 22


Hazel Dell

Food Growing Skill Level


I am interested in...

Selling Local Grown Food, Community Gardens, Learning

Tell us about your garden and what you're growing

watermelon, cantaloupe, sunflowers (for seed)

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  • So you're out in the countryside? How will you put the cow manure on? I have access to horsh and chichsh which I water down. There are cows around but not handy to me. Keep in touch. You sound interesting!
  • Happy 4th of July Angela. It is a special day for our family too as it is my daughters birthday. And she is celebrating her independence having successfully passed her test for her drivers license. Have a wonderful day!
  • Hello and welcome Angela. Great to see you here. Have fun oooobying!!
  • I am interested in your fertilizer free ideas. I hope you have as much enjoyment using this site as I am. Nice to meet you!
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