Heyjude I was e-mailed your Question but I can't find it to Answer so I will send to your page, At the garden center there is a organic product call glow. It is a organic spray that if you make it 1 part glow 4 parts water it will do sever damage to the passion fruit hopper, this is one of the hardest bugs to kill and I decovered after I was reading that they were impossible to kill as they are so fast. NOT TRUE.... heaverly spray badly afected trees and bushes in the morning as they are slower because of the cold they need a chance for the sun to warm them.....I had a tree that had more hoppers than wood, I killed the lot with one spray, I hope this helps! also in winter months the eggs of passion fruit hoppper are laid on old wood in rows try to track them all down to remove burn or throw away if you can't burn DO NOT PUT IN COMPOST, This will help lighten the problem next years crop.
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