





July 11


Te Aro

I can offer

Gardening & yard labour, to be a gardening buddy

Food Growing Skill Level


I am interested in...

Buying Local Food, Community Gardens, Learning, Preserving, Helping Others, Seed Savers

Tell us about your garden and what you're growing

I've never had a garden. My family discouraged it as "hard work" and so the most i have cared for is a few potted plants. We found an apartment in "Terrace Gardens"--which has a little neglected shady park right next to it. There's also a tiny "front garden" with lots of sunlight. I would like to garden the little space out front in a "cottage garden" style (flowers, herbs, edibles, possibly bees), and ask the city council if I can begin to garden the neglected space--I'm thinking either a children's garden (as i have an infant son) or a meditation garden (it is right behind St Mary's church, so they might help out). Anyway, that's me right now. Zero garden experience, Excessive garden ambition.

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