Thanks for mail. I have planted it at the base of a tree at the bottom of the garden, where the blood 'n bone from the veg garden will wash over it eventually. I know they need no encouragement, and Jack and the beanstalk comes to mind.
Am still grieving for the last one ( 30yrs ago ) my husband took to it with an axe, am pleased it gave him a run for his money!!!
Hi Joel
Good to see you on ooooby, hope you have fun participating in all the events around Waitakere.
My cousin has given me a choko. It is still in the bucket, doing well but am wondering where best to plant it . Where did you grow yours? Would be good to get enough to share around.
Am still grieving for the last one ( 30yrs ago ) my husband took to it with an axe, am pleased it gave him a run for his money!!!
Good to see you on ooooby, hope you have fun participating in all the events around Waitakere.
My cousin has given me a choko. It is still in the bucket, doing well but am wondering where best to plant it . Where did you grow yours? Would be good to get enough to share around.