January 17
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I am a...
I can offer
to be a gardening buddy, Lead a workshop, Preserving
Food Growing Skill Level
I am interested in...
Buying Local Food, Community Gardens, Learning, Preserving, Helping Others, WWOOFA Hosting, Gardening on others Land
Tell us about your garden and what you're growing
Currently looking for land to start a SOUL community garden
Cultivation gives an intial boost to fertility but destroys beneficial earthworms and soil structure as well as turning up buried seeds which germinate. Besides, the 'weeds' you mention could form the foundation of a balanced eco-system to support your food plants. Seeing 'getting rid of the weeds' as your first priority is the 'agriculture' paradigm. Your first step should be to plan the garden to conserve water - this summer serves as a warning. Before you start digging you might want to read Bill Mollisons 'Permaculture One and Two', Masanobu Fukuokas 'One Straw Revolution', Toby Hemenways 'Gaias Garden' or Sepp Holzers 'Permaculture'. Youtube these four permaculture pioneers for an instant insight into how water management, weeds, chickens and perennial crops can increase your yield and reduce your work load. Remember that your 'community' may not be as dependable as you hope - especially when you ask them to dig.
hi, this is Jenny don't know whether l have replied or not. There are plenty of twigs left and a station wagon would be fine.
Hi Wellcome to oooby. On 24 7 11 at 1030 you can come earlier or later, we are going to have a Working Bee in my House.
The idea is that the people who comes can make another working bee in their houses and we support each other.
If it works ok, the group has to grow, split and then we would have 2 groups. The master idea isthat in the future people will support each other in the gardens.
Let me know if you are interested. Find out whats happen before in our first one on https://ooooby.ning.com/group/workingbeesauckland Bye