Curious about your bamboo growing in your yard. If you can't beat it, then maybe we can team up and build a Perma Yurt with it? More info at: Your time and consideration are most greatly appreciated. Peace.
Thanks for your comment on my gardening pix on the recipes for beetroot Lou, I have never come across a beetrootaholic before but will have a hunt for the sweet and sour recipe, sounds fanulous! I sympathise with your abundance of noxious weeds - I inherited a similar array and still battle wandering willie, jasmine, milkweed and privet (sigh). Thankfully the hens like wandering willie so he has been cut down to size but the others require lashing of toxins I cant bring myself to do (plus they are too entwined with my wanted plants probably) so we have a once to twice a year wrangle and I have them to thank for my biceps instead! good luck to you and I look forward to some more gems of wisdom from your depth of experience.