Growing tomatoes

Our tomatoe plants are growing really well in our hot house and flowering profusely, but they are dropping the flowers and therefore not setting any fruit.  Any ideas?  A tomatillo in the same hothouse is performing in exactly the same way.  Could it be cold related, we have had a very cool summer and we live at 300m (in Tasmania).  Thanks

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  • In addition to Richards reply..a small paint brush can be useful too for a little 'artificial insemination'!! Just dust from flower to flower lightly. Good luck!
  • What type are the tomatoes are they because some are not good at setting fruit for a start ,but one thing that important when growing inside hot/grass houses is that the tomato flowers need movement to help in self pollination,i go around giving own a little shake
    • Thanks for your reply Richard,  we have 8 different varieites from tommy toe, roma, yellow pear to roma. I haven't had trouble with flowers dropping or lack of fruit set before but we have moved house.  Will lack of pollination cause the flowers to drop though?  I will try your tip on movement and see if I get any imptovement.  Thanks again.
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