Sprouting Potatoes

Hi everyone, a quick Q on potatoes. Do they need to be in the dark to get them to sprout properly? Mine have been in the light and are taking ages to get anywhere, so I have today moved them back into a dark spot in the garage. You knowledge please!





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  • I think the idea is to have them inside in a flat box until they sprout. When the sprouts are big enough, put them outside into the light, but not strong sun, so that they can harden. Put them inside again at night or into a spot sheltered from any danger of frost.  After a few days of this they can be planted. It is quite surprising the difference hardening off makes, not only to potatoes but to most plants that are struck in protected places including poly houses.
  • I have seen both methods recommended which isn't very helpful, but I do know that potatoes that have sprouted over the last couple of months  in their paper bag had long sprouts and good roots when i planted them last week. I read somewhere to lay the long sprouts sideways to encourage more underground progress...
    • Thanks Kali, I have always done it in the dark with no problem, but a newspaper article I read said put them outside...I will stick to the dark method in future.





    • We are sprouting some earlies and some Maori potatoes.  I'm a bit concerned about the potato physalid thing... (Not sure if I have the correct spelling.)  It attacks potatoes, tomatoes, aubergines and tamarillos.


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