Hi All I am lookigng for older recipes and stranger ones that dont use wwhite processed flour or sugar.


I made this the other day: used Rapadura not white sugar and no one knew it was healthy!


If you have anything like this, please add here! 

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  • Thank you for sharing that Angie! I love black beans. I've never heard of "Rapadura" and will follow-up on that one.
  • Hi, I dont know of any old recipes but I just change existing ones and have done for about 25 years now. Just use wholemeal flour instead of white, be prepared to add extra fluid because of the bran, halve the amount of sugar, so if recipe sayes one cup use half a cup of raw/dark unprocessed sugar. You will not notice any difference even if fruit is not included in the recipe. If you want to lighten a cake use cornflour, so far I have taken out up to one third of wheat flour and used either or both corn, rice or rye flours, some of these will lessen the gluten. happy cooking
  • I have made these and they are luscious! I highly recommend the black bean brownies.
  • They are weird sounding, but if you made them people cant tell!
  • Oh my goodness those bean brownies sound really wierd! I'll take a look in my wierder recipe books and get back to you lol
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