Annual biodynamic workshop coming
Spring is here, get ready now with this practical Biodynamic workshop: Overview of practices, using preparations, working with the stars, food for body and mind.. Sat 8th September, evening presentation, Sunday 9th, all day workshop. Check all details on the Ooooby event page. Diane, Auckland BD Group
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If you live in Auckland and want to learn about Biodynamic gardening, contact us on Ask to be on our email list to receive regular updates on workshops, practical demonstrations, talks, gardening sessions, etc...
Upcoming events this month are :
Gardening Monday on 8th July, Hot Compost making workshop on Sat 13 July, The power of garden weeds on Sat 20 July, Movie night on Friday 26 July, Our green roadie (see the Ooooby event's page), a fundraiser for our new Biodynamic garden
Fiona watt that sounds great i will pursue it online and have a look at their website thanks:)
Hi Abby,
They are based in Parnell have a look at
HI Abby. I have just come back from the Biodynamic agriculture course at Taruna in the Hawkes Bay. Second semester block. I thoroughly recommend it. You stay at a lovely retreat in the hills of Poraiti and study nearby on the biodynamic farm and education centre. The course is online with three 7 day sessions at Hawkes Bay throughout the year. We have all learnt a lot, made new friends and enjoyed good food and local knowledge. There is a cost to the course but it is well worth it.
brent where abouts is the permaculture course based
HI Abby, do you want an organic/biodynamic gardening course or Permaculture design course, or a rural development course (check Northtec) ? Diane
Hi Abby, I can recommened Auckland Permaculture Workshop, not really north Auckland but easily accessible as only once a month on a Saturday.
is seeking a good organic /permaculture course in the auckland area preferably north auckland anyone recommend one, am wiling to do a correspondence one if necessary. thanks for your help :)
Hi people. I am accompanying Jon Carapiet to a Takapuna local board meeting next week to ask the council to uphold and develop the precautionary GE principles originally in place with the former councils. He will be delivering a power point to the board. You are all welcome to and please attend to add your support-5th Feb, 2013 at the local board chamber, level 3 The Strand, Takapuna. at 6pm. We would love it if some of you in local (takapuna/devonport) businesses, local beekeepers, organic growers/buyers etc can write in support of this deputation which aims to get the council to listen to us and protect Auckland from GE. Send it to me and I will pass them on. Here is part of the power point for your perusal
We ask the Devonport Takapuna Local Board
To - Defend local democracy and advocate for community expectations that council meet its duty of care to adopt the precautionary principle in relation to GMOs
- Respect and voice community support for preserving our own capacity to grow, eat and market GE free food by maintaining a GE free environment in field and food
1) Reaffirming the symbolic declarations of a GE-free Zone, to advocate ongoing community interest in preserving the capacity for gardeners, growers, diverse ethnic communities and small businesses to benefit from GE-free options
2) Advocating that Council adopt the strong precautionary ARC Regional Policy Statement on GMOs as an interim measure to fill the gap
3) Lobbying Council before 15 February to insist on community consultation in the draft Unitary Plan, not a parallel/additional cost 'targetted stakeholder' process on the side
4) Strengthening the former North Shore City bylaws against GE waste to include emissions and release of non-lab GMO's
l have had a large puriri tree pruned and have kindling in excess of needs for next year, about a trailer load of twigs and small branches. Free for the taking