Karangahape Garden, Auckland City
Hiya This will probably only be relevant to those of you living in or near Auckland City. Somebody has recently started a Facebook page for support towards putting a community garden on the roof of the K-Road carpark. If anybody's interested in this, I've included the link below for you. https://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/Karangahape-Garden/195013280551048 Cheers, Samantha
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But look at the Autopots in my veggie ga
Here is an autopot system I have just rigged up on my deck for ornamentals. I know you are thinking what a waste.
Hi yes I'm still around - have a look at our website we have some exciting new bits that you might be interested in. Bear Forest Hydroponics suppliers of the original Autopot
Cri cri cri.
I am interested to put an hydroponic roof top at home by April
Anyone is active around here?
Hi all any one looking at rooftop gardens must see this - Combing Autopot power free hydroponics with aquaponics on a roof top. Jim the inventor of Autopot asks the question 'what if a city could feed itself'
For Autopot in NZ go online Bear Forest Hydroponics suppliers of the original Autopot
A great picture
Roof top gardening 'Onwards and Upwards'
Its hard to find rooftop gardeners here in Dunedin. I'm looking to for ideas for and exposed roof overlooking the city and harbour. All ideas and information welcome. Meanwhile I'll check out Mariana's comments from May 2011
Hi...thought this was an interesting link to share http://milkwood.net/2012/03/13/milk-crate-farming-in-the-city/