I love old boxes and in my younger days they were part of my furniture. Years later when I opened up my gift shop all I could afford for shelving were fruit stand boxes. Over time I was finally able to buy "normal" shop fixtures and sold all those fruit boxes. I miss them!

Here's a great way to hold and move all your garden magazines!

Great for storage!

If you need some creative flooring you might want to try this. My mom use to come into my room and yell at me "You live in a barn"!  I had a Checker Square Giant rabbit named "Bandit", an albino Ginnie pig  named "Snowball"  and a pet rat named "Joe". My horse did have to stay in the barn but I did let him in the house once! He didn't knock anything over!

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  • I'm with Harry...love these box ideas...but where do you find wooden boxes anymore? Wish I had some of the old orange crates, etc. that I had when I first got married...yes, a huge wooden wire spool was our coffee table too.
    • Harry & Gyda, Check road side Farmers Market Fruit stands for old fruit boxes. There are several stands in areas that constantly set-up year after year, they are a good source for the old boxes. Just pull in and ask before they shut down for the year.

      Gyda, I had a wire spool table once myself. It was the easiest piece of furniture I ever had, just rolled it out the door and up the back of a truck!
    • Isn't that funny...and yes, just roll it in and roll it out! I'll check out the fruit stands...maybe a drive over to Central WA is in order...fruit and veggie stands everywhere.
  • Sheri, I once had 8 fence lizards living in my room when I was young. Mom didn't mind as long as they were "contained." I never did tell her that one "escaped" and I found him two weeks later living in my closet. After that, I released them all back into the wild, mainly because I got tired of catching grasshoppers and flies to feed to them--they would only eat live food.

    Like the box ideas you've presented here, may try some (if I can locate wood boxes--everything I've seen lately is cardboard).
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