I love old silverware. I'm not talking about using 100% silver in the garden. This is the cheap everyday stuff. If you don't have all the fancy tools to hammer metal, just get a hammer and a old cast iron frying pan and start banging away! A heat gun does help.

 Remember to wear protective eye wear. 

You'll need some metal "Letter Punches" for these projects. You might have to wind-up purchasing them but keep an eye out at garage sales for them too. They can come in handy for other garden projects.

Row Markers. The seed packet blew away and now you can't remember what row you planted what.This might help and it looks so sweet!

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  • I have seen hammered table ware turned into a wind chime. I really like the idea of using the letter stamps... wouldn't it be a kick if you could personalize spoons at a tea party!
    • Tea parties, wedding showers, Birthdays, th list goes on!

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