Acidifying soil

Im wondering what the best way is to acidify my soil locally around my Blueberry trees. The Ph meter says the soil is about 6 at the moment, but I've heard that blueberries do better in a more acid soil. Would adding sulpher help? What about coffee grounds? I heard they are also good...

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  • Thanks Angie
    I have been using the vinegar and water as a temporary fix.
    I think adding some peat would be the easiest source for me of longer term modification, so I'll try that! cheers Paul.

    Angie said:
    I would use pine needles or soil from under a pine tree, heard that coffee grounds also turn soil acidic and peat (blueberries love peat).
  • Hi
    I would use pine needles or soil from under a pine tree, heard that coffee grounds also turn soil acidic and peat (blueberries love peat).
  • Could you use the vinegar left over after you finish a jar of gherkins, it would have a small salt content?

    Robbie Deighton said:
    -Apply 1 in 30 solution of vinegar and water for a quick-fix. You can apply this liberally to get it down to the root system.
    -For longer lasting effect, mix pine needles, shredded conifer 'leaves', coarse sawdust or wood shavings in with your soil.
    -Mulch with the above for slow release. This will take a while to take effect.

    aluminium sulphate or sulphur also provide a long lasting effect if you want to go that route. I prefer to keep things as natural as possible.
  • As you are a bloke you could always use the fastest indian way, he wee's around his lemon tree in the movie, i have tried it and read about it and it makes the soil sweeter and acidic and is a great way to change the soil locally i would suggest going out after dark so not to offend the neighbours.
  • lime makes the soil more alkaline not acidic, adding things like pine needles help too
  • No, not lime - that makes the soil less acid not more. You need to add aluminium sulphate or sulphur
  • Hi Kate,
    I think Lime will alkalize rather than acidify?
    I borrowed the ph meter from my dad, but he purchased it from Aeroview Greenworld garden centre in Thames.
    I don't know how reliable it is, but it looks the business! (only cost $14).

    KATE MORONEY said:
    Hi Paul,
    Not an expert but I think Limimg would be good idea.
    where did you get your ph meter?
  • Hi Paul,
    Not an expert but I think Limimg would be good idea.
    where did you get your ph meter?
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