Broccoli flowering early

Hi I wonder if someone can shed some light as to why my Tender Stem mini broccoli would be going to flower so quickly? I havent even had a chance to eat it!! The little yellow flowers are coming out already. Could it be not enough sun?? My neighbours tree now seems to be causing some shade issues - of course I didnt see that in the summer when I planted the garden! Thanks in advance for any advice you can share.

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  • Hi Heidi.I can commiserate with you mine are doing the same and I wondered what was up too! But thinking about it now and talking about stressed plants I think mine were in their punnet for too long before being planted.Ooops!
  • Mmm like Hester said I think! The three I have in a semi shady part of the garden have headed but they're only about fist sized and I think will need to be harvested soon as I don't think they're far off bolting. That patch is going to be devoted to lettuce and leafy greens come spring!
  • Hi Heidi
    Plants usually bolt like this if they are stressed in some way.
    It is usually due to some deficiency in their needs.
    It could be the light problem .
    Broccoli needs full sunlight to grow the biggest heads.
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