garlic in a flood

I am growing a bit of garlic however my land has started to bog up and flood so they have wet feet those that have put down roots.

They are in high mounds and this is helping. i have put hay (yes hay ) in the rows to soak up some water and on top to stop any more penetration but the water is coming up from the water table so .....

have thought about digging a channel divert the water any suggestions?

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  • Don't worry about heavy heavy metals in newspapers because they don't use those types of inks any more.

    Using newpaper or straw to try and soak wont work as in if you think how much they would soak up which is not a lot.
    I think the best idea would be to put in a hole where you could bucket it out,or hire a water pump for an hour or so.
    • well i checked the most saturated beds that were flooded and things appear to be bearable 50% saturation at the base of the beds and the top moist but not saturated. have started to dig a channel for the next big rains which will come in spring.

      will keep using hay in the rows if only to stop and leaching of nutrients.

      you can get a bit panicy when months of prep and planting is a about to go out the door in a flood

      thanks for the advice.
  • It doesnt sound good to me, garlic doesnt like wet feet - its only early in the garlic growing season, why dont you move them?
    apart from that, yes by all means dig a drainage channel.
    • hey Ruth i thought about it and have been look at where to plant the last of the garlic but i can't really get the tractor on any of the beds high enough out of the water table... the brussel sprouts and the cabbage would have to move also. yeah Im digging that channel.... but the garlic is up at least will hopefully ride out any fungal infestations.
  • Doesn't sound good,other than what you said about diverting, i cant see what you can do really.Are you on heavy clay ??
    • peat, on top of clay i think , hydro phobic from precipitation. I had a read of the gourmet garlic grower web site says garlic likes its roots in water, hoping water will sink down and am thinking of shreading news paper in the rows ( partner says great going to put heavy metals into my water ...groan)
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