My question is only tentatively related to this discussion thread, but does anyone know where I could get a ginger beer plant from? (a la: I don't want to use a normal brewer's yeast.
I have half a dozen pots growing in my green hosue, you are welcome to one if we can arrange the pickup. I'm in GI.
Otherwise, I just get a nice fresh piece from the fruit counter, one that looks like it might sprout.
I also had some success with treating the piece like a potato, putting it in a paper bag in the dark for a few weeks till it sprouts, then planting it.
Thank you! I'll try to sprout my own again - this time with a little more care and patience but If I still have no luck, I'll definitely take you up on that offer!
It’s easier to manage- and harvest if kept in a pot and likes a really warm spot. It’s about as hardy as galangal and considerably tougher than turmeric, and both of those can be grown fairly easily in northern NZ. I find it better to establish 2 pots and use them alternately. This allows the plants to regenerate between harvesting. I normally just break off enough to use for around a week.
The plant dies down to the base in winter and should be kept fairly dry during this time.
Try sprouting a root. I've got a bit growing which I sprouted from a piece bought at the supermarket. I've yet to plant it out, and from what I've read it is reasonably slow growing so something that will take a year or so to be able to harvest grown this way - but easy enough to do.
Otherwise, I just get a nice fresh piece from the fruit counter, one that looks like it might sprout.
I also had some success with treating the piece like a potato, putting it in a paper bag in the dark for a few weeks till it sprouts, then planting it.
The plant dies down to the base in winter and should be kept fairly dry during this time.