
Does anybody have extra horseradish roots for swap-sale anywhere in NZ? thanks for your help, Galina

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  • they also are sold in the small potted herb range that most garden centres stock, so you should be able to ask them to order for you. but given that they are now dormant as hester says, they may not have them for sale like that until later in the year.
  • thanks, Hester,
    very kind and helpful!

    Hester Robson said:
    I got some horseradish roots from Trademe, dealer called Rooster2000, here's a link to their page
    They are selling bulk herbs, but I asked them by way of a question if they would sell me 2 plants and they put up an auction for me for just 2 horseradish plants with a buynow for me. Horeseradish is dormant in cold winter, so its just the roots in pots they send, but mine have since sprouted some shoots.
  • I got some horseradish roots from Trademe, dealer called Rooster2000, here's a link to their page
    They are selling bulk herbs, but I asked them by way of a question if they would sell me 2 plants and they put up an auction for me for just 2 horseradish plants with a buynow for me. Horeseradish is dormant in cold winter, so its just the roots in pots they send, but mine have since sprouted some shoots.
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