No-dig garden question

Hi there! I just moved to a new house which has a very clayey soil. I like the idea of some no-dig beds (layers of cardboard, straw and compost on top of the lawn basically) for my vegetables, but I can't see how they would work for root crops? Is the system at all suitable for growing carrots, onions etc.. ? I just can’t see how these would do in some very airy straw… Unless maybe i give enough time for all the layers to start to decompose? Cheers, Romain

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  • Hello! I love this kind of gardening! I'm lazy! You need a bit of depth - about a foot in old money. I throw the small weeds out on the lawn and they all get chopped up in the lawn mower with the leaves and small sticks. Get some wood shaving/sawdust to mix in....but not pine (it inhibits to microcrobes - and not treated). Keep adding until nearly the required depth. Then I cheat again and put two layers of newspaper over, to stop any weeds, and cover with two centimetres of bought compost.
    Feed with worm juice, horsh/sheepsh/chickensh watered down in a bin and you'll be laughing. By the time the seeds hit the newspaper it will have rootd and by the time they hit the bottom - hopefully, that will be soft.
  • Good question. I look forward to replies. I have laid down my garden and planted some carrots. They're only just starting to appear. I've also planted caulis, silver beet, lettuce, cabbages (all seedlings) as well as some beetroot seeds bok choi and beetroot seeds. Good luck!
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