
Thanks to all that gave advice on preserving / bottling before. I am wrapped, always wanted to try my hand at preserving now I have. It is still pretty daunting but as long as you eager to try and have 'test bunnys' to hopefully ok the end result then you ok! So far I have pickled beetroot and courgettes in diff ways, made relishes and sauces. OMG so much more to be done and learn. I bought a great book packed with recipes so I am on a roll. One day I might even try my hand at preserving fruit and making jam. Hmmm, but first I will get comfortable with pickling :o) Just need more bottles and shelf space haha

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  • I have had the usual overload of tomatoes (some people never learn). Have worked out an efficient way to get the blighters into the freezer - other than just tossing the whole untreated ones into a bag.

    1 Freeze a large flat dish of water
    2 Slice tom.s in half top to bottom,& nick out the core
    3 Place in a flat dish skin side up, in microwave for about 12 minutes. They're done when the skins are wrinkly.
    4 Cool slightly, then pick up each 1/2 it's skin and shake. Most will just fall free, use a tsp to encourage.
    5 Pack into plastic bags. I use "Slider bags" (25 sandwich size and they're recycled which gave me pause !)
    6 Cool further then put bags on your dish of ice from the freezer to chill right down, then freeze when really cold

    I used to spend ages fishing around the gloop to find the skins - this way you know where they are !
  • cool, thanks. I will make a note in my book!
  • Yeah it is eh. I don't own a copy yet, but photocopied the recipes I tried and loved. One day I'll get one. Word of warning though, if you go to try the plain date chutney recipe (the one that doesn't have apple in it), I think there's something missing from the recipe. There's no sugar to add, and it's revolting. Really weird. The date and apple chutney is insanely good though.
  • HI, That is the one I have, what a cool book. Def want to try making a mustard and vinnegarette!
  • Yay! Good to hear you're enjoying yourself. :) If you can, get a copy of the Digby Law pickles and preserves book - it's full of fantastic time tested NZ recipes.
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