Tamarillo's and Celeriac in Waikato

Hi there, could anyone help me with a couple of questions?  I'm growing celeriac and tamarillo's for the first time.  When do I need to cover the tamarillo's? and I have conflicting info about whether to cover the tops of my celeriac with soil or not. I'm talking about the top of the root, like carrots.  Has anyone here grown them?

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  • Here in Whanganui. our climate is much milder than Waikato, but I have lost young tamarillo to frost. when it gets to winter, I keep a watch on weather forecast and make sure I have them covered for any frost - in Waikato you make need to keep them covered for your most frosty period (?)
    I now start my tamarillos in a large bucket, so that I can give them a good first year, out in the sun until frosts start, then closer to the house on my patio. They are not a long lasting tree (have heard about 8 years, but no personal experience of that as yet) so it is good to have a rotation with younger trees coming along to replace those that have done their dash. Good luck - hopefully you will hear from someone nearer to you too.
  • You can cover the tops of celeriac, but you can leave them, I honestly don't think it makes a difference. I have grown them but with little success as we are too dry here, and they need a lot more moisture to swell the bulb than even our irrigation system can give them. I am going to try again next year though. Like most plnts here I got a great seed crop.
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