Tamarillos getting a mould

Hey everyone
Both last year and this year in March(ish) my young Tamarillo started getting a mound, first on the bottom leaves then working up to the top. It looks powdery. Any ideas why? Is this common at this time of year? The only thing I can think of is I have not watered it much over summer, as I know this happens with dry pumpkins...I don't use non-organic sprays in general unless its dire straights so any organic ideas would be welcome.



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  • baking soda spray is recommended for powdery mildew if that is what it is. see group natural sprays for recipe.
    • Thanks Isabell, I will give it a try. Laine
  • Is it affecting fruit production?
    • Its a young plant (2 years) and has not fruited yet. Where I first planted it, it got nailed by the wind, so I moved it last spring and then it had the cat claw it for a while until I put up protection...its had a rough start! However, the mould is coming when it is otherwise looking fine now. When do they normally start fruiting? L
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