I used the pretty purple flowers of the "society garlic" tulbagia a few weeks ago on a gravlax salmon dish and wondered if anyone else had used them in an edible capacity?
Hi sue looks very nice! I planted some tulbagia a while back and after doing a google saw it might give you digestive problems, interested to hear if anyone else eats it. I do like a good gravalax, we made a nice one at christmas off the top of my head the main ingredients were coriander seed, fresh coriander and roots, juniper berries, salt and sugar. Do post your recipe will dig mine out if your interested.
Hi Josephal, I cant post the recipe till after the end of this month as it is the Taste magazine and is not my recipe but from Logan Brown in Wellington.I suspect the tiniest bit of society garlicwould not upset you but if in doubt leave it out! Cheers,
Hi Josephal, I cant post the recipe till after the end of this month as it is the Taste magazine and is not my recipe but from Logan Brown in Wellington.I suspect the tiniest bit of society garlicwould not upset you but if in doubt leave it out! Cheers,