Wild Strawberries

I have heard that wild strawberries are easy to grow and most of the plant as well as the fruit are edible. Does anyone know much about these plants? Do they grow in the Auckland region, where can we buy the plants? Thanks

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  • I have two sorts - the alpine strawberry which grows in clumps and has good sized red fruit (you can also get a white fruited version). I also have what I would call a wild strawberry which does put out runners. A good point about the alpine strawberries is the blackbirds don't seem to spot the ripe fruit, unlike my regular strawberries. I use them as filler in the herb garden.
  • I also have a version of 'wild' strawberries - I think the alpine type - which grew from one plant purchased a couple of years ago. They do spread like crazy, but as the fruit are so small a decent bed of them is ideal. I just clear patches and put other things in between them. Every time I'm doing something in the garden I then have a nice snack right to hand! They do seem to be very hardy, and the fruit flavour improves as the weather warms up. I think the combination of more sun and the slightly tougher conditions of dry summer intensifies the flavour. Mine seem to have produced a few fruit right through the winter, but are gearing up for a serious early summer crop.
  • hi David, I have frageria lipstick, which is a type of strawberry which is as hardy and quite prolific like the alpine but has crimson flowers and slightly larger fruit. I reckon the suckers would survive a couple of days in an envelope if you would like me to post you some?
  • I planted some at the kindy on waiheke a year ago, and they have spread (if you over here you're welcome to take some of the runners). i'd plant them somewhere where that wasn't an issue. but they have yet to fruit, i suspect this variety at least the fruiting is a bit hit and miss. i got the local garden centre to order some in orginally, they were in the herb range, so inexpensive, i think they were labelled alpine strawberries. i suggest you join the auckland swap group on ooooby if you haven't already, and ask if anyone has any.
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