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The Grant's on Frankton-Ladies Mile have plenty for sale at $3.50 per bale. Please contact them on 03 442 3131 to order same.
In particular, if turn into Crawford St and turn right onto an unamed road with no houses, you'll find a great location to start walnut hunting.
Best time to go is on a windy day, as you'll find lots of walnuts being blown off the trees.
The other great location is on Lady's Mile at the Lake Hayes end. You can also pick lots of Sweet Chestnuts (not to be confused with the more common horse chestnut, which is not particularly good for eating and isn't even a true chestnut).
Fresh walnuts are known as "wet walnuts" and do taste quite different to walnuts that have time to dry out. I personally prefer walnuts that have had time to dry out and usually put them in a wire basket in a warm dry place.
Freshly picked walnuts should last up a year, which is enough to tide you over to next season.
The other places to get pea straw are from Slope Hill/Speargrass Rd (there's a sign with the phone number) which are $10 per bale and the Shotover Garden Center (which probably charge an arm and leg)