Campaign" no cages"

Hi Just let you know there is a campaign thru safe no cages campaign to send a submission to Mr keys before the end of the month. I urge you all to do this ,as chicken lovers we all know they deserve more .There is a man in the south island spending a month in a cage to raise awareness.lookat

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  • Hi

    Would you support cut vocal folds to urban roosters.

    SPCA chop dog's balls. Despite that I cannot leave without talking, I prefer if they cut my vocal cords rather than my balls, so shouldnt be a problem.

    I believe that if we change some regulations, and we have more free range chickens in the city, cage chickens factories will be severely hit.

    Do I have your support?

  • goodone Anthea We all should sign this submission Saw the man in the cage last night.

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