Everyone keeps asking about where they can get locally produced organic layer mash in Auckland, therefore I have made it my personal mission to source some. I am excited to say I been successful. The feed is specially formulated by Frenz eggs for the
I have been reading up on organic solutions for lice and came across an article that recommends soaking hen for 5 minutes in a solution of salt water, then soak for another 5 minutes in dish washing liquid and water, and repeat in two weeks. The only
Hi! I am new to keeping chickens, and have 2 10 week old girls. I've put them on pulley grower pellets and tried giving them a few yummy snacks, but they seem to turn up their beaks at anything but chick crumbles!
I'm wondering if they need to see an
Silver Laced Wyandotte, Bantam and another young pullet (sorry don't know what she is) free to a good home. Free peck n lay too. North Shore Sunnynook.
Hi there, since three days I have 3 brown shavers, approx. 24 weeks old, which i bought from a free range farm.They are lovely chooks but seem to have no idea about eating fruit and veges. I heard that chickens love silverbeet and as such offered it
Sorry everyone, I think I just sent an email to the whole group, whereas what I intended was to start a discussion here. I'm wondering where anyone knows where to get plans for a deep litter coop. We've looked at a great one that was built by a guy
We have the most beautiful purebred Golden Wyandotte Roaster who is going to crow any day now and so he must find a new home (preferably not in a pot due to his handsomness :-)).
He is 16 weeks old, strong, handsome and seems to have a nice nature.
Hi, I have 2 young roosters looking for a home. Hatched at the end of Jan - one Light sussex and one Gold Laced Wyandotte. They're very friendly and have had lots of contact with kids and cats. I think they'd make excellent breeding stock as they'r
Chickens require a number of essential aminos that are only found in animal derived proteins, they are after all omnivores not vegetarians. If you are using commercial feeds they will include (usually synthetic) methionine which is essential for good
On of our ladies is looking very lethargic and sleepy. She is eating and drinking but only a little. She also has diarrhea or a very messy bum at least. We have been getting a lot of very fragile shelled eggs for a while too which we believe are hers
I'm currently drawing up a plan for a small lifestyle block (just over 1/2 acre of open space). I have an area I want to use to grow chicken and duck feed on, so that I can reduce our bought in feed. Does anyone have suggestions for crops to grow
HI I am getting some chickens soon and are biulding a run. wanting to know if there is a rule of thumb of how much space need per chicken. We are a family of 6 so were thinking of 6-8 chickens.
Hi all, we have two gorgeous young shavers who are total houdinis...since they're way lighter than our big hefty Wyandotte, they can squeeze through any fence gap and flutter over every fence we've put up. They've got our big wild garden to free ran
We have four chooks, 2 wyandottes, a white leghorn and a geriatric shaver
The two Wyandottes have suddenly(over the last month or so) started to bulk up, one of them had started to lay again prior to this weight gain, but for 6 weeks or so we haven
I want to buy an incubator together with Auckland people.
Also fertilized eggs. They are pros and const of the idea. I can buy cash by myself, they are not expensive, but, they are other reasons why I want to do this way.