Can you use a sink plunger on a chook?

I have 3 Wynadottes, I think the oldest is 23 weeks old and they are absolutely huge, dwarfing our red shaver, but they still haven't started laying yet, is it time to attach a sink plunger to the chooks "vent" and start pulling?


I just can't get over how big they are, when i think chook I think red shaver sized beasties, these things are like chookzilla.



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  • To check if they are laying check the width of the pelvic bones. Catch the chook and hold her with her back end towards you so you can see what your doing. lay your fingers against the fluffy area below her tail. You should be able to feel the bones as pointy  bumps either side of the vent. If you can fit 2-3 fingers width between those pointy bumps then she should be laying. 1 finger width and she is not. This area gets wider to allow the egg room. It will get narrower if they go off the lay for a time or if they are not yet laying. they should also have bright red shiny comb and wattles and if your pullets are close to laying thier comb and wattles will be full and red. Another thing that will put a bird that should be in lay off is parasites - cant build eggs if they are feeding worms or mites/lice. Check around the vent area for lice and check droppings for signs if worms. Garlic in the water is a good natural tonic for them. Good luck.
  • My wyandottes took til 8 months to start laying and havent stopped since - May last year.  As someone else said they will start when they are good and ready.  I too have freeloaders but love them.  I get about 20 eggs a year from my old silkie but she is so gorgeous. :)

    • Is there a way to tell if they're close though, as the way thing are going, i may need to run down the road and get a few ex battery hens
  • I'm starting to look at some of the more out there theories,

    apparently sprinkling curry powder on their food can get them to start laying, apparently it warms the gut, besides i like curried eggs.


    anyway for wynadottes they should start laying in the next few weeks i hope .

  • Yep I am kidding, although....

    They're eating layer pellets plus scraps plus grains plus slugs and snails and plants and my bloody strawberries and stink bugs anything they can get their greedy little big beaks into

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