We've just bought a new property (3 acres on the Taieri, Dunedin) and have inherited a flock of 13 chickens with it.
At present, we're getting an average of between 4-8 eggs a day from them, so Im suspecting some of them might be past laying.
How can I tell how old my chickens are, and which ones are laying, or which ones need to go to chook heaven?
My mother said that a natural egg cycle for a hen is not every 24 hours but more like every 28, so ever so often you don't get an egg in a day. I think the older they get the longer that period is. Sneaky chook is on about 4 eggs a week.
My chook bible says the early moulters are the ones to cull "as they will not be your best layers". It also says that "as they get older hens will take longer to come into the lay each year". So cull the early moulters now and then the ones that come back into the lay. Of course this is also the time to get new young hens to replace the old ones you are culling. Having said that, our girls die of old age or non-human predator.
Thanks for that really useful information.
We have 13 chooks, and are still getting 4-5 eggs a day, so I'm guessing we're doing okay, then :-)
I'm not desperate to cull them any time soon, as we keep a vegetarian home, so it is likely our birds will get on into old age as long as the eggs keep coming. That said, I'm thinking of increasing our number of chooks, as we easily have room for a few more, and eggs are a really useful barter.
I think you're right. But I'm still suspecting we have AT LEAST a couple of "lay abouts" ;-) I'm not intending to chop any of them any time soon, but come Spring, if the lay percentage doesn't go up, I'll be looking with suspicious eyes at them, and checking out new potentials.