Making geese feel at home

Hi all, I would like to get some geese, I have access to a bareland liftstyle block, which we are slowly building a house on, no one lives there at the moment but I visit every day. Does anyone have any experience with geese, what do they need to make them stay when you move some in to a new location? Would they be ok on their own most of the day for a start? Cheers, Simon

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  • Hi Simon, I got a pair of geese three years ago. The idea was that they would stop the dog roaming about looking for disgusting things to eat in the sheep paddock and to keep the grass down around the olives. The ignore the dog and since paying to have a fence put up around the olives the geese just get out anyway! When they are in with the olives they have to stretch their heads up to see where they are going the grass is so high now! Their breeding attempts have been thwarted for the past three years by stoats, bad nesting site and the last year, I don't know. There was a period of time when they decided that they needed to roam about the neighbourhood. This happened about 5 times and I was able to smartly herd them back and they haven't tried to leave since. Anyway despite all of that I love having them about. They are a law unto themselves and I call them Norah and Compo. To answer your questions... I had them in a cage for about a week, it would have been better to be longer but the cage was really unsuitable. They did however stay. Secondly, they are fine by themselves. I did start feeding them at one stage in the olive orchard to try and keep them there but they started leaving the paddock and coming up to the house calling out for their food. They would be there waiting at the gate every morning so I abandoned that plan and now they just eat grass. Let me know how you get on. Katherine
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