using chook poo as liquid fertiser

Hi I've put my fresh to week old chook poo in 20 litres of water and kept covered for nearly a month now... Has anyone done a similar fertisiler? How much did you water it down (chook water % + extra water %) before putting in on your plants? Is one month enough to let lie or should I store it longer? thanks Kay

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  • I'm surprised. Using it so fresh doesn't BURN the plant? Is he in an area where you get lots of rain? what is the ratio parts watered down to how much chook poo?

    merry Christmas

    Sarah Gallagher said:
    A friend of mine said that he uses it straight away as a liquid fertiliser. He also suggested that fresh chook poo is great for rhubarb, just dig it in around the plant. I gave it a try and boy, it loved it!
  • A friend of mine said that he uses it straight away as a liquid fertiliser. He also suggested that fresh chook poo is great for rhubarb, just dig it in around the plant. I gave it a try and boy, it loved it!
  • I leave mine about a month and that seems fine. Just water it down until it is a light colour not too strong and dark. Janette
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