Enviro news with Graeme Hill - Native Admiral butterflies (George Gibbs and Norm Twigg)
http://www.radiolive.co.nz/Environews-Native-Admiral-Butteflies/tabid/506/articleID/17611/Default.aspx Great talk back on Admiral Butterflies Angie
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http://www.radiolive.co.nz/Environews-Native-Admiral-Butteflies/tabid/506/articleID/17611/Default.aspx Great talk back on Admiral Butterflies Angie
Read more…http://www.radiolive.co.nz/Graeme-Hills-very-simple-guide-to-raising-our-Admiral-Butterfly/tabid/491/articleID/17581/Default.aspx Video by Graeme Hill on how to build a box to keep admirals in and away from pests. Angie
Read more…http://www.forestandbird.org.nz/get-involved/backyard-projects-/how-breed-admiral-butterflies Great little article. Angie
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That's great to hear, Elizabeth. You might also like to post this message in the forum on our website, www.nzbutterflies.org.nz. There may be members there looking for it. Do you see any Admirals about?
If anyone is interested in Urtica dioica, I have quite a bit of it available for free to anyone that will come and get it. I'm in the Poukawa Hawkes Bay area... 25min out of Hastings.
Is this the introduced nettle or onga onga? I have a nice patch of onga and wonder it's role in the world.
HI Matt
Great to hear the nettle is still going strong and there is someone again interested in Admirals.
I spent a lot of time helping Sandy a few years ago set up before she passed with nettles and raising admirals at the site. Are there still any native nettles alive onsite?
I still from time to time drop newly hattced butterflies at the gardens on weekends, would love to catch up and maybe I can supply stock like I did for sandy.
Hi Matt
What's SPCNT? Oh - don't worry - just googled it... I had been thinkig Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to ... and could't work it out. But then I WAS aware of the South Pacific College of Natural Therapies, but was barking up the wrong tree!
Great to hear you're doing that. The Admiral needs every bit of help it can get.
Jacqui Knight