Woad Seeds
Hello there I am looking to grow Woad and Madder plants for dying and wondered if anyone could help me out with finding seeds? Please help me if you can :0)
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Hello there I am looking to grow Woad and Madder plants for dying and wondered if anyone could help me out with finding seeds? Please help me if you can :0)
Read more…Hello ooobyers After seed list of all the available seeds suited to southern climate . We are in the starting stages of getting a bio intensive urban scale market garden venture of the ground and could use all the help we can get. If you have any to swap ,sell,barter or donate then we would love to here from you. Kind regards The O’Brien’s
Read more…Hi everyone,Sentinels is a recently set up group of small scale gardeners who combined offer a small range of there surplus locally naturally grown seeds for sale by way of a website - http://www.sentinelsgroup.co.nz/ To keep growing as a group we need to take on a person who could run the commission based administration role which would also involve maintaining a small centralized seed bank from where all seed is sent out from,the bulk of the seed is maintained by each of the growers, this is…
Read more…Hey, I'm a 4th year Industrial Design student and for my final year project I'm working on something that will hopefully encourage more people in urban areas to grow their own food. I was just wondering what you think would be your top fruit/vegetables/herbs that they grow that can turn an ordinary meal into something special. Also I'm hoping some of you could fill out this questionnaire (its only a couple of quick questions) https://urbangrowing.typeform.com/to/J4dVkf
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