In terms of moon planting, which do people think is more important, sowing and germination, or transplanting to the garden. I'm thinking of instances where these might not be four weeks apart - either because the seedlings grow very fast, or too slow
Hi, I have a question after studying my "Gardening by the Moon" Calendar. When the moon is Descending the sap is flowing downward, when the moon is waning the sap is flowing downward, but what is the sap doing when the moon is Descending but waxing?
I've been experimenting lately but I find the conflicting information confusing. I guess the upside of that is I can choose which version I prefer. I haven't had any plants that have gone right through their life cycle from a deliberate moon phase ba
So far everything planted by the moon phases is germinating and growing well. The only failures I've had have been from old seed that I was checking for life (usually none) and tricky seed like echinacea and double impatiens.
I think I sowed these ou