Ascending/Descending, Waxing/Waning
Hi, I have a question after studying my "Gardening by the Moon" Calendar. When the moon is Descending the sap is flowing downward, when the moon is waning the sap is flowing downward, but what is the sap doing when the moon is Descending but waxing? Is the sap flowing downwards or upwards? Thanks for any clues to this query :-)
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Not sure what you mean, Tony. The moon calendars I have deal with when to plant what, as in 'root crops' and 'above ground crops', when to apply manures, when to cultivate, when is the 'barren' period etc...and hemisphere doesn't matter. With the full moon today, now until and including 27th is the time to cultivate only, as anything planted now would have very quick germination and spindly growth - not good for a healthy strong plant.
Im just wundering if hemisphere counts in the moon calendars as the northern ones would be all backward for us.
Hi guys, I just got my mushroom in a box kit and spawns ready. Am interested to find out what is the best moon phase to activate them? Moon in flower/fruit/seed constellation (as mushrooms are like flowers as to a plant) in descending period (growth happens under the earth)? or full moon?
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I have started using the moon calendar I found on NZ gardener web site. You can print it off, cut out and put on the wall. very helpful to refer to month by month.
This site sums it up pretty well, what to do when. It has a phases of the moon chart for 2011 but that doesn't have signs attached. Learning the astrological symbols and having a calender with the movements plotted is optimal. I am hoping the rain will clear for a great day in the garden tomorrow with the moon in Capricorn.
Thanks Jude,
I hadn't checked with my charts when I posted last, am just excited to get into the spreading of my delivery, will be waiting a little longer now