Posted by Janet Coleman on August 31, 2009 at 2:22pm
Please help, I need a variety of cabbage recipes, red or white. I've just joined the group and love some of the ideas in the other discussions, really looking forward to try some out. Meantime I have cabbages screaming at me to be used.
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Kali, thank you. I have a distant memory of eating some pickled red cabbage a very long time ago which I liked so I shall get stuck in this week. It will use up a few cabbages at once and I will have a few little gifts for family & neighbours as well as having a supply in my own cupboard. Thanks again. I munched my way through a whole crop of radishes last summer with cheese & fresh home made (breadmaker) bread, I absolutely craved it and ate it every day till the radishes were used up.I can see me doing it again this summer, this time with pickled cabbage too!
Kali O'brien said:
have you ever tried pickled red cabbage? its easy to make, just sprinkle finely sliced cabbage with salt and next day rinse and drain and put into jar with spiced vinegar, I use malt vinegar with pickling spices boiled together for 5 mins and cooled and strained. it needs to be left for about a month to pickle. I love it simply with cheese for a snack, my mum used to serve it with frankfurters. It is a wonderful colour.
have you ever tried pickled red cabbage? its easy to make, just sprinkle finely sliced cabbage with salt and next day rinse and drain and put into jar with spiced vinegar, I use malt vinegar with pickling spices boiled together for 5 mins and cooled and strained. it needs to be left for about a month to pickle. I love it simply with cheese for a snack, my mum used to serve it with frankfurters. It is a wonderful colour.
Kali O'brien said: