Posted by Jillian Flynn on August 12, 2009 at 10:55am
I don't know about elsewhere, but here in Western Australia lemon trees are a common feature of the backyard. Unfortunately a lot of lemons often go to waste.
While travelling down south and visiting Woody Nook winery, I found two great small books by Mary Thornton; the first called - The Little Lemon Book, the other - The Second Little Lemon Book.
Both books are filled with tips for using lemons around the house, and how to use your lemon tree to the fullest potential.
Contents of the first book include:
Useful facts
Selecting Lemons
Storing Lemons
Preparing Lemons
Using Lemons
Freezing Lemons
Preserving Lemons
Lemon Garnishes
Lemon tips in Cleaning
Recipes - Entrees, Main Courses, Sauces, Pickles, Preserves, Desserts, Drinks - Summer Tasters.
Medicinal Use of Lemons
Beauty Tips
Household Uses
Here is her recipe for
Good Old-Fashioned Lemon Curd
Rind of 3 lemons
Juice of 2 large lemons
225g sugar
112g fresh butter
2 eggs
Grate off rind (no white) and squeeze the juice. Put everything, except eggs in a double saucepan or basin over hot water. Cook, stirring occasionally, until butter and sugar have melted but don't get it too hot. Add well beaten eggs and continue cooking until the mixture coats the back of a wooden spoon. Pour into jars and seal.
The Second Little Lemon Book contains a few more ideas and recipes for lemon curd use.
Lemon curd is also known as Lemon Butter.
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lemons are one thing that are slow to establish here on west coast nz, my trees are only babies and I struggle to grow lemons bigger than marble size sigh. It doesn't help when possums eat them green! I always ask if I can have some if I see a tree underutilised. I love lemon curd.
Re lemon curd: Stephanie Alexander in her 'Cook's companion' recipe book states that you don't need to use a double boiler, and you can cook it simmering over a med-hot heat for about 5 minutes. Even if it boils it won't curdle. The amount of sugar that you use stops it. This means lemon curd is made a lot more frequently in our house as I hate fussing over anything!
Re lemon curd: Stephanie Alexander in her 'Cook's companion' recipe book states that you don't need to use a double boiler, and you can cook it simmering over a med-hot heat for about 5 minutes. Even if it boils it won't curdle. The amount of sugar that you use stops it. This means lemon curd is made a lot more frequently in our house as I hate fussing over anything!