1-2 lemons
1 kg pears
500g apples
125g preserved ginger
1 kg sugar
NB: Can save lemon and apple skins, tie in muslin bag and cook with jam to add flavour and aid setting
Juice the lemons (1/3cup juice), chop the ginger, dice the peeled and cored apples.
Combine fruit, lemon juice and sugar in pan. Cook whilst stirring till sugar dissolves (add lemon and apple peelings now).
Rapid boil (rolling boil) for 15mins.
Test jam - boil 5mins more if necessary.
Pour jam into hot sterilised jars.
First time I made this, i burnt it (caramalised?) a tad. I nearly through it out, but my teenage sons loved it as a chutney with chicken or meat sandwiches. Delicious also stirred through plain yoghurt. I don't think we ever got round to using it on toast. Anyway, it is super tasty - enjoy :)
yummy, I did a different take on this using up some of our pears, I used finely grated root ginger added at the beginning, added the grated lemon zest along with the juice and just pears, no apples, I didn't bother totally peeling them because they were small ones and it was too fiddly, I did use a tsp of pectin with the sugar to make sure it set.
I like your idea of using root ginger instead. Might take shortcuts with peeling next time also, as I've got to say all that peeling and chopping is pretty tedious. I added a little pectin also - just in case! Will try not to burn it this time - almost needed an industrial belt sander getting damn burnt jam off the pot =D
do try it that way, I don't find the pear skin at all objectionable. lol I have had a lot of pots in that state!