Save Heirloom Tomato Seeds

Dear all, I would like to save seeds from my heirloom tomato plants, garden peach and black cherry. What's the best way to do it, fermentation or just spread the seeds on kitchen paper towel. Thanks in advance.

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  • I just want to save a few seeds for next year planting, and I will go for the paper towel method.
  • I've used both methods, . probably depends on how many you want to save, for lots of clean seed use the fermentation method, but if you just want to save a few for planting next year, the paper towel is fine, you can then plant them still attached to the paper.
  • Hi Stella...I just deseed the tomato/es directly onto kitchen paper towel, well spread out (and labelled), and allow to dry, then I turn the paper towel into a sort of self-packet and store until required. Has always worked OK for me/
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