SWAP-Pots for Plants

I'm running out of pots for my 100+ tomato plants, peppers, eggplants etc. If anyone has any larger sized plastic pots they want to get rid of (the sort you buy perennials and shrubs in) I'd love to take them off your hands or out of your shed or wherever they are that you don't want them to be! Happy to swap for some of the afore-mentioned plants or lemons or tangeloes. I've got heaps of punnets-don't need any more of THEM, thanks.

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  • Thanks Lynn-much appreciated.

    Lynn said:
    Hester, I have about 3 dozen pots...mostly 10cm, a very few 8cm. If you would like to give me a call to arrange some sort of pickup time, that wouldn't be a problem, if you are or someone is out Taradale way.
  • Hester, I have about 3 dozen pots...mostly 10cm, a very few 8cm. If you would like to give me a call to arrange some sort of pickup time, that wouldn't be a problem, if you are or someone is out Taradale way.
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