Straw bale gardens and those who love them
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  • There is a very good book - No-work Garden book, by Ruth Stout, probably out of print - my copy bought second hand about 1980 was published in 1971.  This type of gardening has been going on for years, and it works.  She was American - and never had any problems, except for people who didn't believe gardening could be so easy. 

  • Make a hole in the straw and pot in a handful or two of compost and plant in that.  I used this method to start my garden in 1987.  It works a treat.

  • Hi guys, I just got around to have enough interest to try out straw bale gardening 2 weeks before Spring. I realized that you have to let the straw bale sort of mature over winter before you can plant into it. Is there a way to kick start the process? I am not planning to grow food out of it, but to merely plant clovers in it.

  • Hi. Just wanted to post a link to a local TV piece on the strawbale demo gardens we now have in Willits.

    Worked out pretty good.

    Willits Community Television

    Episode 18

  • Whoot! seems that I may have hit the mother load of straw bales! Seems this guy doesn't want the moldy bales that he has behind the barn! Guess what I am doing this weekend!
  • J

    ust wanted to Howdy! We are trying out an experimental strawbale garden  at the local community garden in Willits, Ca. in redwood country a couple hours north of SF. Added about four cups of bird guano to each bale in early April. Inside temps have not reached more than 80 degrees after about a month of being watered about an hour a day with a soaker hose. The mission is to grow a lot of flowers and vegetables, but also to generate soil on top of the river rocks and clay currently making up the front yard of an office bldg.

    Chris Hardaker



  • 2170542081?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Started my first straw bale garden. letting them season for a month or so before I get the chance to actually plant
  • Dachshunds work well for vermin of all kinds. However to have a straw bale garden the bale must be kept well watered and that is usually enough to make them seek their nice dry home elsewhere.
  • Hi. I want to build a large experimental straw bale garden but a friend told me to watch out for rats and mice who like to nest in them.

    If so, what is a good organic defense?

    Chris Hardaker

    Willits, CA (Mendo)

  • Oh my I have been all caught up in life as I know it and away from the computer for much of the last few weeks. I am going to try to get bales in the garden here at the new house next spring. I am growing some veg under lights in the house for the winter. Dorthy I have always loved the tire (tyre) gardens. My auntie used to paint her tires in bright colors, though I don't to this day understand how she turned them inside out to make those daisy looking gardens.
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